马莹,博士,青年副研究员,硕士生导师,入选上海市浦江人才计划。研究方向包括教育社会学,高等教育学和国际比较教育。 研究领域 大学生发展与择业,英才教育,社会分层与家庭教养方式,国际化学校 主讲课程 教育社会学、教育研究中的质性研究方法、基于知识整合的深度学习项目设计(合作课程) 近五年代表作 马莹,陆一.拔尖人才培养的美国模式:美国大学荣誉教育述要[J].全球教育展望,2023,52(04):33-45. 陆一,马莹.天赋、教育与国家:美国英才教育正当性争议[J].高等教育研究,2022,43(11):69-86. Ma, Y., & Wright, E. (2023). Outsourced concerted cultivation: International schooling and educational consulting in China. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 32(3), 799-821. [ISSE Paper of the Year Award 2023] Ma, Y. & Wright, E. (2022). Expanding flexible citizenship: Chinese international school students and global mobilities for higher education. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies. DOI: 10.1108/STICS-05-2022-0010 Wright, E., Ma, Y., & Auld, E. (2021). Experiments in being global: The cosmopolitan nationalism of international schooling in China. Globalisation, Societies and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1882293 Kobakhidze, N., Ma, Y. & Tsaloukidis, A. (2023). The impact of social class on out-of-school activities: Converging trends in parental choices?. International Journal of Educational Development. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102881 Kobakhidze, N., Ma, Y. & Tsaloukidis, A. (2023). Tiger parenting beyond cultural essentialism: Discourses of class, culture and competition in Hong Kong. ECNU Review of Education. DOI: 10.1177/20965311231198252 联系方式 |